LOKERMENTIKO.COM - Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terupdate Desember 2024 di Medan dan Sumatera Utara.

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Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT HM Sampoerna Tbk.

PT HM Sampoerna Tbk merupakan salah satu perusahaan rokok terbesar yang terdapat di Indonesia.

PT HM Sampoerna Tbk memilii kantor pusat di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. PT HM Sampoerna Tbk sebelumnya merupakan perusahaan yang dimiliki keluarga Sampoerna, namun sejak Mei 2005 kepemilikan mayoritasnya berpindah tangan ke Philip Morris International, perusahaan rk0k terbesar di dunia dari Amerika Serikat, mengakhiri tradisi keluarga yang melebihi 90 tahun.

Beberapa merek  terkenal dari Sampoerna adalah Dji Sam Soe dan A Mild.

Dji Sam Soe adalah merek lama yang telah bertahan sejak masa awal perusahaan tersebut.

Selain itu, perusahaan ini juga terkenal karena iklannya yang kreatif di media massa. Pada tahun 2013, PT HM Sampoerna memenangkan Anugerah Produk Pertanian Berdaya Saing kategori CSR. saat ini Presiden Direktur PT HM Sampoerna Tbk adalah Paul Norman Janelle.

Perusahaan ini pernah meraih kesuksesan sewaktu mengeluarkan merek Dji Sam Soe pada tahun 1930-an hingga kedatangan Jepang pada tahun 1942 yang memporak-porandakan bisnis tersebut.

Setelah masa tersebut, putra Liem, Aga Sampoerna harus mengambil alih kepemimpinan dan membangkitkan kembali perusahaan dengan manajemen yang lebih modern.

Nama perusahaan juga berubah seperti namanya yang sekarang ini.

Selain itu, melihat kepopuleran rokok cengkeh di Indonesia, dia memutuskan untuk hanya memproduksi rokok kretek saja.

Saat ini, PT HM Sampoerna Tbk membuka lowongan kerja di Kisaran, Sumatera Utara dengan posisi berikut ini:

Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2025

We are looking for Graduate Trainees. Sampoerna Graduate Trainee is a 2-year program where you will experience exciting several assignments with endless opportunity to explore and grow your potential.

1. Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2025 – Operation

Learn and contribute to the core business in OPERATIONS FUNCTION through numerous on-the-job learning opportunities and various enriching experiences.
Operations function always strategically plan, develop, manufacture, and maintain the best-in-class supply chain of our high-quality products, as well as sustain the good environment and safety of all our working areas.

Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in any major
Minimum GPA:
Bachelor’s Degree: 3.20
Master’s Degree: 3.30
Maximum of 2 years work experience
Those who are going to graduate in 2025 are welcome to apply
Fluent in English, both verbal and written
Have good analytical thinking, fast learner and proactive
Persistent, open minded and strong in problem solving
Good team player, agile, as well as proven leadership capability and organizational savvy
Willing to be placed at our factory located in Karawang, Sukorejo, or Surabaya

2. Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2025 – Marketing
Learn and contribute to the core business in MARKETING FUNCTION through numerous on-the-job learning opportunities and various enriching experiences.
Marketing function constantly thrive to build Philip Morris International and Sampoerna leading brands, always put the consumer at the core of any actions, and execute the best-in-class consumer engagement. Marketing Department leverage effective brand promise and create the best brand journey that adult consumers can experience.

Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in any major
Minimum GPA:
Bachelor’s Degree: 3.20
Master’s Degree: 3.30
Maximum of 2 years work experience
Those who are going to graduate in 2025 are welcome to apply
Fluent in English, both verbal and written
Have good analytical thinking, fast learner and proactive
Persistent, open minded and strong in problem solving
Good team player, agile, as well as proven leadership capability and organizational savvy
Willing to be placed in all areas across Indonesia.

3. Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2025 – Commercial

Learn and contribute to the core business in COMMERCIAL FUNCTION through numerous on-the-job learning opportunities and various enriching experiences.
Commercial function is a strategic function which acts as outstretched hand of Sampoerna to sell & distribute our products in Indonesia, as well as keep a strong and warm relationship with adult consumers.

Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in any major
Minimum GPA:
Bachelor’s Degree: 3.20
Master’s Degree: 3.30
Maximum of 2 years work experience
Those who are going to graduate in 2025 are welcome to apply
Fluent in English, both verbal and written
Have good analytical thinking, fast learner and proactive
Persistent, open minded and strong in problem solving
Good team player, agile, as well as proven leadership capability and organizational savvy
Willing to be placed in all areas across Indonesia.
4. Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2025 – People & Culture
Learn and contribute to the core business in PEOPLE & CULTURE FUNCTION through numerous on-the-job learning opportunities and various enriching experiences.
People & Culture plays strategic role for people management in the company as one of the main pillars in our three-hand philosophy. We shape the culture, upskill, and energize the organization nation-wide. Through People & Culture initiatives, we are also pivotal in accelerating our transformation towards smoke-free future.

Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in any major
Minimum GPA:
Bachelor’s Degree: 3.20
Master’s Degree: 3.30
Maximum of 2 years work experience
Those who are going to graduate in 2025 are welcome to apply
Fluent in English, both verbal and written
Have good analytical thinking, fast learner and proactive
Persistent, open minded and strong in problem solving
Good team player, agile, as well as proven leadership capability and organizational savvy
Willing to be placed all over Indonesia

Our success depends on the men and women who come to work every single day with a sense of purpose and an appetite for progress. Join Sampoerna and you too can:
Seize the freedom to define your future and ours. We’ll empower you to take risks, experiment and explore.
Be part of an inclusive, diverse culture, where everyone’s contribution is respected; collaborate with some of the world’s best people and feel like you belong.
Pursue your ambitions and develop your skills with a global business – our staggering size and scale provides endless opportunities to progress

Jika tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan lowongan ini, Silahkan mendaftar secara online pada link daftar berikut ini :
1 Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2025 – Operation DAFTAR ONLINE
2 Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2025 – Marketing DAFTAR ONLINE
3 Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2025 – Commercial DAFTAR ONLINE
4 Sampoerna Graduate Trainee 2025 – People & Culture DAFTAR ONLINE

LINK OFFICIAL SOCIAL MEDIA & GROUP: https://linktr.ee/lokershareinone
DONASI: https://saweria.co/lokershareinone


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Warning: Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk jenis penipuan karena sejatinya pendaftaran lowongan pekerjaan itu gratis tidak ada biaya dalam bentuk apapun. Pastikan lowongan pekerjaan di situs resminya atau pun social medianya yang valid.

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