LOKERINONE.COM - Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terupdate November 2023 di Medan dan Sumatera Utara.

Selamat berjumpa kembali dengan www.lokerinone.com sumber informasi lowongan kerja Terupdate, Terpopuler dan Terpercaya.

Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT Victoria Nusantara Mandiri.

Victoria Nusantara Mandiri Group is group of companies engaged in field of manpower outsourcing which has business relations in the field of recruitment services (permanent/contract/temporary employees), HR Outsourcing, HR consultancy, staffing/placement, employee transfer, head hunter, HR management, Payroll outsource, legal documents and training. As the business development progresses and increasing demand related fulfillment Reliable and professional human resources in one company, we have provided services Business Process Outsourcing since 2019 for some internal group interests our company and business relations. 

Victoria Nusantara Mandiri Group always build a long term relationship with foreign institutions and companies as well as other locales as part of company goals to be achieved. We have a strong foundation for become a professional partner by providing solutions and alternatives problem solving in fulfillment HR, labor administration and able to organize HR with various situations at hand. 

Company Legal:
Articles of Association / Bylaws of the Company (PT.)
Company Registration Certificate (TDP)
Decree of the Minister of Justice
Obliged to report about employment
PKP approval
BPJS membership

Saat ini, PT Victoria Nusantara Mandiri membuka lowongan kerja di kota Medan, Sumatera Utara dengan posisi berikut ini:


– Wanita
– Tegas & Disiplin
– Mempunyai pengalaman min. 3 thn sebagai Admin Driver
– Mengatur dan mengelola jadwal keberangkatan driver
– Berdomisili atau bersedia di tempatkan di Sei Mengke, Medan atau Tanjung Kuala.
– Mahir mengoperasikan komputer MS. office (word, excel, power point, pivot table, vlookup, hlookup, sum, sun if, count if, dsb)
– Bersedia di tempatkan di kantor client kami di Sei Mengke, Medan

Jika anda berminat untuk memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, segera kirim langsung lamaran lengkap, CV, Fotocopy Ijasah Terakhir / Transkip Nilai, Pasphoto terbaru dan dokumen yang diperlukan hanya melalui email: cvbank.victoriaconsultant@gmail.com dengan subjek: Administrasi Driver.

Lamaran diterima paling lambat 27 November 2023.

LINK OFFICIAL SOCIAL MEDIA & GROUP: https://linktr.ee/lokershareinone



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